module.exports = [ { "rawId": "rapStar", "name": "Rap Star", "stats": { "health": 25, "min": 2, "max": 5 }, "image": "", "intro": `*_{player} walks down the streets of Vibe City minding their own business until suddenly Rap Star appears with his hand pointing directly at {player}_* *Rap Star:* Beep! *{player}:* Erm... Hi? *Rap Star:* Beep boop bop *{player}:* Is this some kind of joke? Do you speak English? *_Rap Star throws his microphone at {player}'s head. They get knocked down._* *{player}:* Is that how you're gonna be? Fine then, let's battle! *Rap Star:* BEEP!`, "chances": { "attack": 0.125, "defend": 0.75, "item": 0.125 } } ]