
287 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

module.exports = [
"rawId": "battler",
"name": "Battler",
"stats": {
health: (user) => * 2,
min: (user) => user.mindmg * 2,
max: (user) => user.maxdmg * 2
"image": "",
"intro": `*_A glowing white portal appears as Battler dramatically storms out. He is heading directly for {player}_*
*Battler*: Greetings {player}. I would like to assume you are looking for an opponent, are you not?
*{player}*: How do you know my name... And who are you!?
*Battler*: I am you, but better.
*{player}*: What? Are you from the future or something?
*Battler*: Precisely. I am you, but stronger.
*{player}*: Wait but if you're me from the future then how am I supposed to beat you!?
*Battler*: Battler's Mentality #8. Never give up.
*{player}*: What does that even mean!?
*Battler*: Good luck {player}. However, don't feel bad if you are defeated. After all, I am you... X2.
*{player}*: ...`,
"chances": {
"attack": 0.75,
"defend": 0.175,
"item": 0.075
"rawId": "elliton",
"name": "Battler Elite",
"stats": {
health: (user) => * 3,
min: (user) => user.mindmg * 3,
max: (user) => user.maxdmg * 3
"image": "",
"intro": `*_A glowing red portal appears as Battler Elite dramatically floats out. He is heading directly for {player}_*
*Battler Elite*: Greetings {player}. You called?
*{player}*: How did you know I wanted to-
*Battler Elite*: Details do not matter. You wish to battle correct? Why don't we proceed
*{player}*: Let's go then!
*Battler Elite*: Do not be disheartened if you are defeated. After all, I am you... X3
*{player}*: WHAT!?`,
"chances": {
"attack": 0.75,
"defend": 0.175,
"item": 0.075
secretCondition() { return false },
deniedIntro: `Battler Elite is a Battle Master Elite opponent. As well as this, he is due to recieve some changes, so for the time being I have locked him from being battled. If you wish to fight him, please ping me (Haroon) in <#C078SS377PE|battle-master>.`
rawId: "sleepParalysisDemon",
name: "DEMUL",
stats: {
health: (user) => user.maxdmg * 10,
min: (user) => user.mindmg,
max: (user) => user.maxdmg * 2
image: "",
intro: `*_{player} is fast asleep. They are dreaming. Running through a forest at dramatic speed. It's midnight. Dark. Foggy. Eerie... Suddenly, they notice an ominous figure in the distance. Great, this is clearly a nightmare. Instead of waking themselves up from this nightmare like they usually do, {player} summons a large scythe and charges at the dark figure. What is there to be afraid of!? It's a dream after al-_*
*_{player} is suddenly frozen and teleported back into their bedroom. What happened to the figure? Where was it? Why is {player} shaking... Oh goodness. {player} is experiencing sleep paralysis for the first time. They cannot move. {player} is facing the wall yet they can somehow see the corner of their bedroom. The ominous figure suddenly appears. Watching. Waiting. With that creepy smile... Luckily for {player}, they are currently in the Battle Master Universe. The only way for them to escape this nightmare is to battle. Fortunate as it is, they will most likely never forget this encounter._*
*{player}*: Let's. Just. Go.`,
chances: {
attack: 0.2,
defend: 0.5,
item: 0.3
2024-06-25 21:30:51 +00:00
rawId: "incomingSword",
name: "Incoming Sword",
stats: {
health: (user) => user.maxdmg * 5,
min: (user) => - 1,
max: (user) => * 5
image: "",
intro: `*_{player} is on the floor. They can't see a thing... A fall like that really took them out... After slowly opening their eyes, 4 figures can be seen towering over {player}... More specifically, Mercha holding Lock Block, Dicey, and Master Block, curiously floating next to her..._*
*Mercha*: Hey! Heyyyyy! Ay! You okay!?
*_{player} quickly flips themselves up into a standing position_*
*{player}*: Woah! Erm... Yeah? I think so?...
*Mercha*: Look, there isn't usually any visitors here in the Sandbox so I'm actually wondering how you even got here in the first place...
*{player}*: Oh well actually there was an opening in the void so I-
*_Suddenly, intense music (Zone Incoming - House Vibe OST) starts playing as a large red glare can be seen in the sky. Master Block quickly cowers behind Dicey..._*
*Mercha*: Oh god... That sword again!? ALRIGHT, EVERYBODY UP!
*_Mercha and Dicey quickly soar into the air at dramatic speed, however, the glare continues its direct path. It is headed straight for {player}..._*
*{player}*: Wait wait wait! How did you guys do that!?
*Mercha*: What are you doing down there!? START FLYING NOW!
*{player}*: No thanks! I'm gonna battle whatever that thing is! I'm sure I can defeat it!
*_Mercha, Dicey, Lock Block and Master Block exchange concerned looks_*
*Mercha*: Well, I'm not gonna argue with you... Just be careful there buddy...
*{player}*: No problem! Let's go!`,
chances: {},
battleAwareness: {
type: "Extreme",
chances: {
attack: () => ({
attack: (2/3),
defend: (1/3),
item: 0
defend: (user) => {
if (user.playerdefense == "Weak") {
return { attack: 1, defend: 0, item: 0 }
} else {
return { attack: 0, defend: (2/3), item: (1/3) }
item: () => ({
attack: 0.5,
defend: 0.25,
item: 0.25
rawId: "TheFirewall",
name: "The Firewall",
stats: {
health: (user) => user.maxdmg * 20,
min: () => 1,
max: (user) =>
image: "",
intro: `*_After escaping the Void, {player} is sprinting through the Grand Forest. To be honest, going through a portal into the future was probably a horrible idea... Anyways, shortly after dodging and swerving some trees, they suddenly head a faint voice coming towards them..._*
*Forest Ranger*: Hey... HEYYY!!! HEEEEYYYYYY!
*_{player} and Forest Ranger collide with each other and roll in opposite directions_*
*{player}*: AH! Where did you come from!?
*Forest Ranger*: Bold of you to be talking to me like that! Who even are you, and why are you running TOWARDS the fire!? You need to get outta here ASAP!
*{player}*: Fire!? What fir-
*_A dramatic foghorn plays as the Firewall can be seen in the far distance. A mere orange glow for now, however, it is travelling at a dangerously high speed..._*
*{player}*: Oh perfect! A worthy opponent!
*Forest Ranger*: Excuse me, did you just say opponent? As in, you are going to FIGHT that fire!?
*{player}*: Of course! I can handle it!
*_Forest Ranger is extremely reluctant at this point in time. He doesn't know who {player} thinks they are, but he isn't going to stick around and find out..._*
*Forest Ranger*: Yeahhhh buddy, you do you alright? Once you're done realising your mistake just make sure to follow me. I know this forest like the back of my hand after all...
*{player}*: Hm, no problem. Let's go!`,
chances: {
attack: 0.07,
defend: 0.465,
item: 0.465
rawId: "cakeDay",
name: "Cake Day",
stats: {
health: (user) => user.maxdmg * 8,
min: () => 10,
max: (user) =>
image: "",
intro: `*_The entire Battle Squad and {player} are celebrating Battle Master's birthday at Moonbase HQ. As usual on the Battle Moon, its quite lively when the whole squad is present... Anyways, Battle Support walks into the dining room with a large cake_*
*Everyone*: Happy birthday Battle Master!
*Battle Master*: You all have my gratitude.
*Battle Beginner*: No need to thank us! It's the least we could do for someone as important as yourself!
*Battle Casual*: Wow, that's a big cake Support!
*Battle Special*: Well said... Welp, luckily there's 8 of us here am I right?
*Battle Master*: I wouldn't be so certain about that.
*_Suddenly, a large pink beam can be heard in the direction of The Gate as it shoots violently into the space above. Usually, an energy force that dangerous coming from The Gate means that someone has travelled between universes... Hmm... No battler could make such a dramatic entrance so who-_*
*Battle Support*: Ermmm... And who might you two be?
*Velvet Night*: That's nunya bizznizz. All you gotta know is that the cake you're holding right there is SACRED.
*Battle Builder*: HEH!? Wait... What does sacred mean again-
*Battle Pro*: Oh please don't make me laugh. You are claiming that this food item that Battle Support created is a holy and important object to you?
*Battle Support*: Haha... Soooooo funny story guys... I didn't actually... Make the cake...
*_Everyone turns towards Battle Support in shock_*
*Battle Special*: I would be surprised but to be perfectly honest with ya, we don't even have mouths... Or need to eat... At all...
*Cake Day*: Perfect! Now please hand over the cake! It is an important part of the Strawberry Kingdom and it must be returned to-
*{player}*: Well if you want my cake slice then you're going to have to fight me for it!
*Velvet Night*: URGH. So you wanna be difficult huh? Fine then. Day. Do ya thing...
*Cake Day*: Alright then buddy. Let's do this...
*Battle Special*: Welp, guess I gotta ref this battle now huh...
*{player}*: Alright then, let's go!`,
deniedIntro: `You should not be able to see this. If you do, ping Haroon.`,
secretCondition() {
const now = new Date();
return [5, 6].includes(now.getUTCMonth())
chances: {
attack: 0.25,
defend: 0.375,
item: 0.375
2024-06-25 21:30:51 +00:00
rawId: "masterOG",
name: "Master OG",
stats: {
health: (user) => user.maxdmg * 30,
min: (user) =>,
max: (user) => * 10
image: "",
intro: `*_After the events of Cake Day and Velvet Night, they took the Sacred Cake back to their universe and left... For now... Anyways, as the Battle Squad and {player} are about to wrap up Battle Master's birthday party, a glowing white portal appears..._*
*Battle Builder*: ERM... Guyssss... I think we've got a little bit of company again...
*Battle Special*: Oh goodness I REALLY hope it isn't Battler again-
*_The entire Battle Squad watch the portal with concern as Battle Master and Battle Support dash out of the portal... Wait WHAT!?_*
*Battle Casual*: Okay... So when could Master and Support do all of THAT!?
*Battle Support*: Do all of what?
*_Battle Master and Battle Support can be seen coming back inside Moonbase HQ..._*
*Battle Beginner*: But wait... Didn't they just come out of the portal??? What's going on here!?
*Battle Pro*: Shockingly, I am also wondering the same thing.
*Battle Master*: I see. This must be his doing...
*Battle Support*: Wait, he wasn't joking about our past selves paying us a visit!?
*_Everyone once again turns to Battle Support in shock_*
*Battle Special*: That makes a LITTLE more sense...
*Battle Master*: Pleasure to meet you. Master OG.
*Master OG*: Likewise... How fascinating. The universe has changed dramatically here-
*{player}*: Can I battle Master OG?
*Battle Pro*: ABSOLUTELY N-
*Master OG*: Very well.
*_Master OG equips his shard and slowly points it in {player}'s direction_*
*Support OG*: That was actually the main goal of our visit!
*Battle Master*: I see. Giving {player} a chance to battle me, or at the very least a version of myself early. Ingenious as always from him.
*Battle Support*: Oh how exciting! Good luck though {player}! Master OG is still very strong!
*{player}*: AYY! LET'S GO THEN!`,
deniedIntro: `You should not be able to see this. If you do, ping Haroon.`,
secretCondition() {
const now = new Date();
return [5, 6].includes(now.getUTCMonth())
chances: {},
battleAwareness: {
type: "Extreme",
chances: {
attack() {
return {
attack: 0.1,
defend: 0.52,
item: 0.38
defend(user) {
if (user.playerdefense == "Strong") return { attack: 0, defend: 0.75, item: 0.25 }
else if (user.playerdefense == "Moderate") return { attack: 0.15, defend: 0.52, item: 0.33 }
else return { attack: 0.3, defend: 0.52, item: 0.18 }
item() {
// Why are you using Item around Battle Master
return { attack: 1, defend: 0, item: 0 }