feat: the entire beginner roster!

This commit is contained in:
DaInfLoop 2024-06-21 22:19:36 +01:00
parent 75f91d280d
commit 9f07a82f46
2 changed files with 173 additions and 7 deletions

View file

@ -244,6 +244,8 @@ app.command('/profile', async (ctx) => {
app.view("chooseopponent", async (ctx) => {
const user = await initializeUser(ctx.context.userId);
const { selected_option } = Object.values(ctx.view.state.values)[0]['rank-selection'];
const rank = selected_option.value;
@ -254,6 +256,16 @@ app.view("chooseopponent", async (ctx) => {
"CASUAL": `*Battle Casual*: Alright <@${ctx.body.user.id}>, things are about to get a little bit tougher from here... Who do you feel like taking on today?`
const canRankUp = (() => {
if (user.rank == 'Beginner') {
return (user.health + user.mindmg + user.maxdmg) >= 50 && user.cshards >= 50
} else if (user.rank == 'Casual') {
return (user.health + user.mindmg + user.maxdmg) >= 200 && user.cshards >= 250
} else {
return false
await ctx.ack({
response_action: 'update',
view: {
@ -307,7 +319,29 @@ app.view("chooseopponent", async (ctx) => {
"text": "Choose an opponent:",
"emoji": true
...( canRankUp ? [
type: 'divider',
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": `You can also now participate in a rank up battle against *Battle ${user.rank}*. Click the button below to initiate the battle.`
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Click Me",
"emoji": true
"value": ctx.context.userId,
"action_id": "start-rankup-battle"
] : [])
@ -326,7 +360,7 @@ app.view("chooseopponent-BEGINNER", async (ctx) => {
const player = await initializeUser(userId);
await sql`UPDATE users
SET playerhealth = ${player.health},
SET playerhealth = ${player.health},
playermin = ${player.mindmg},
playermax = ${player.maxdmg},
@ -821,7 +855,7 @@ app.action('viewaction-opponent', checkButton, async (ctx) => {
case 'item':
const increase = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
switch (['health', 'min', 'max', 'nothing'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]) {
switch (['health', 'health', 'min', 'min', 'max', 'nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 8)]) {
case 'health':
await sql`UPDATE users SET opponenthealth = ${user.opponenthealth + increase} WHERE slack_id = ${ctx.context.userId};`
response = `*_${AllOpponents.find(x => x.rawId == user.currentopponent).name} drinks some squash. U N D I L U T E D._*\n\n\`\`\`+ ${increase} HEALTH\`\`\``
@ -932,10 +966,10 @@ app.command('/viewopponents', async (ctx) => {
type: 'section',
text: {
fields: mappedBeginner.map(opponent => ({
type: 'mrkdwn',
text: mappedBeginner.map(opponent => `*${opponent.name}:*\n\n${opponent.battlePower} Battle Power`).join('\n\n\n')
text: `*${opponent.name}* // ${opponent.battlePower} Battle Power`
@ -949,7 +983,6 @@ app.command('/viewopponents', async (ctx) => {
; (async () => {
// Start your app
await app.start(process.env.PORT);
console.log('⚡️ Bolt app is running!');

View file

@ -24,5 +24,138 @@ module.exports = [
"defend": 0.75,
"item": 0.125
rawId: "artMaster",
name: "Art Master",
stats: {
health: 28,
min: 2,
max: 10
image: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1108683335347212389/1118119440991662220/BM_-_Art_Master_1.png?ex=6676a260&is=667550e0&hm=410450b374166b4709df42789cfb1d5980c6ff448c873926784405787db9cacb&",
intro: `*_{player} walks into Vibe Central_*
*Art Master*: Sup! Welcome to Vibe Central!
*{player}*: Hello hello, is this an art gallery or something?
*Art Master*: Yup! Here you can find the best art from all of Vibe City! Some of these amazing artworks are actually made by myself and-
*_{player} wanders over to a large canvas painting of Art Master. It says in large letters "ART MASTER >:)" at the bottom of the canvas_*
*{player}*: If I beat you in battle can I keep this art?
*Art Master*: OH, IT'S ON!`,
chances: {
attack: (1/3),
defend: (1/3),
item: (1/3)
rawId: "guitarHero",
name: "Guitar Hero",
stats: {
health: 30,
min: 6,
max: 12
image: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1108683335347212389/1118184167700705300/BM_-_Guitar_Hero.png?ex=6676dea8&is=66758d28&hm=fd18a62d49917a80a1c8f6761aea36750f04032b15449bd6bae53796716ba0f3&",
intro: `*_Guitar Hero is sat peacefully at the Vibe City park playing his bass guitar_*
*{player}*: Woah! Nice music!
*Guitar Hero*: Oh! Thanks, I appreciate that!
*{player}*: Hey, do you want to battle?
*Guitar Hero*: Do I wanna what-
*{player}*: Battle... You know, me vs you?
*Guitar Hero*: Oh I know, it was just very sudden... Erm, sure! I'll gladly battle you!
*{player}*: Epic!`,
chances: {
attack: 0.25,
defend: 0.375,
item: 0.375
rawId: "delta",
name: "Delta",
stats: {
health: 40,
min: 2,
max: 8
image: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1108683335347212389/1118184167910428773/BM_-_Delta.png?ex=6676dea8&is=66758d28&hm=21ae6fbaf25e4b63a9ba5607a35802950e806aa7d6a9d38206116a34e1a69a23&",
intro: `*_{player} is wandering around X Town looking for potential battlers. {player} eventually bumps into Delta and they both fall over_*
*Delta*: I'm so sorry! Erm, who are you? I haven't seen you around before...
*{player}*: Hey! I'm {player}! Can we battle please?
*Delta*: Battle? I'm horrible at those I really don't think we-
*_Jessica walks around the corner and towers over both {player} and Delta_*
*Jessica*: What's good. Why are you on the floor with...
*Delta*: Oh, I was just about to battle {player} over here hahaha...
*Jessica*: Hm, sounds cool. I'll stick around to watch you lose. I need a good laugh anyways
*Delta*: WOW OKAY THEN-`,
chances: {
attack: (1/3),
defend: (1/3),
item: (1/3)
rawId: "smallKey",
name: "Small KeyMaster",
stats: {
health: 35,
min: 5,
max: 15
image: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1108683335347212389/1118187424464523315/BM_-_Small_KeyMaster_1.png?ex=6676e1b0&is=66759030&hm=d489f46b7764f542751c763a37c659c0f42ed690c84f6c2bb7e8cb1a80de9378&",
intro: `*_{player} enters the CR Building of Capsule HQ_*
*Small KeyMaster*: Oh hey! Welcome to Capsule HQ! Would you-
*{player}*: Small KeyMaster!? Woah! You look the same in real life and on TV!
*Small KeyMaster*: Yup, that's me! So are you here for capsules or fragment relate-
*{player}*: Can we battle?
*Small KeyMaster*: Erm, that's not really what I'm supposed to do b-
*_Medium KeyMaster walks in_*
*Medium KeyMaster*: Heya! That sounds like fun, why don't you battle em' SK?
*Small KeyMaster*: Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt. However, I'm not going easy on ya!
*{player}*: Oh, it's on!`,
chances: {
attack: 0.525,
defend: 0.1875,
item: 0.2875
rawId: "common",
name: "Common Overseer",
stats: {
health: 45,
min: 8,
max: 12
image: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1108683335347212389/1118184168430514217/BM_-_Common_Overseer.png?ex=6676dea8&is=66758d28&hm=99c611218581db7c248e8d37a37ca7860072319446cc0cd5d464ad5476b608d5&",
intro: `*_{player} walks up the stairs of the CR Building in Capsule HQ. They approach the Common Overseer's office and knock on the door_*
*Common Overseer*: Hello! How can I-
*{player}*: Battle
*Common Overseer*: Erm, I haven't heard of any "Battle Overseer" before but I'm sure if you look for them they'll be more than happy to-
*{player}*: I'll battle them later. For now, us two should battle.
*Common Overseer*: Well, I'm not entirely sure if I can right now, you see-
*_The Rare Overseer walks out of the Common Overseer's office_*
*Rare Overseer*: Nope! All the paperwork is done! We're now free to relax!
*Common Overseer*: Fantastic! Alright then, I'll happily accept your battle request!
*{player}*: LET'S GO!`,
chances: {
attack: 0.725,
defend: 0.0875,
item: 0.2875